When starting this blog I had soooo many tips on stage presentation and what elements go into good stage presentation but couldn’t decide which one to start with so I thought best to ask Flexiwear's sponsored athlete, Nuria Novoa WPD IFBB Pro what her top three presentation tips were as a place to start (especially as the competition season in New Zealand has already started). They are.....
1. Plan ahead
2. Seek advice
3. The importance of a good "whole package"
Plan ahead
I make sure my clients all know what to expect before they've started their preps. For new competitors being well prepared is important and lessens stress later in the prep. Make sure you know costs involved for a suit, shoes, tanning and beauty needs. Learn posing early on so close to show time all you need to do is build confidence.
Seek Advice
Whether you feel you need a coach or not I'd still recommend at least consulting a posing coach / trainer to see if you are indeed on track & have the correct information. Even if you've been on stage as a dancer or similar there are still differences such as the tan & adjusting food & water to look your best on the day. If you are going to work hard for months it is best not to wing these details - find someone with good experience & book a consult; that way if there are things you didn't know you're not dealing with surprises the week or two before your event.
The importance of a good "whole package"
"Whole Package" is a term you may hear a lot. It is not enough to just diet & train hard - your posing needs to be confident, your suit well fitted, make up, hair & tan immaculate. Don't forget about the details for show day by getting too caught up in everything else - stage presentation is just as important as being physically ready.
Many coaches will offer a free consultation / meet & chat. I'm always happy to cover basics & costs in a discussion with new competitors before they start without obligation - so if you need a hand reach out to someone in your area or online to ensure you shine to your potential on stage the day!
You can reach Nuria via email at nfusionfitness@gmail.com or find her on her social media accounts - Facebook or Instagram
Thank you Nuria I think you've given us all three great things to consider for stage presentation :)
Till next time....
Sparkle and Shine always
Kirsty x