As a stagewear designer I am often asked about which style bikini is suitable for me?
As important as it is to consider a client's physique, it is also just as important to consider the class they are competing in as different classes are highlighting different physical features and there are different types of posing to take into consideration as well. Wrong placement of where the briefs sit on the body can create visual cutting points and the way the physique is viewed while posing.
(Note to all the Bodybuilding males out there, if you happen to read this blog post, pull your posing trunks up! It may feel weird but it will frame your legs and enhance your V taper guys)
Recently Nabba released their updated class regulations for Shape and it got me thinking about the styles of stagewear I've seen these ladies wear in recent years (especially with the introduction of bikini class with other organisations and competition bikini styles now available) and was there a style which enhanced the Shape physique over the other?
Reading the regulations the Shape class ideal objective is to achieve good symmetry and athletic tone with an importance on presentation and deportment. The degree of muscular development is much lower than that which is necessary for the Figure Class, with the emphasis is on ‘shape’, not muscularity. There should be no vascularity visible.
With the emphasis being on "Shape" and the type of posing done during quarter turns I would recommend the bodybuilding bikini style as it will frame the hourglass physique of a Shape competitor during her quarter turns by having the brief sit higher on the torso her legs are elongated and the straps crossing over the lower back it enhances the small of her waist.
Whereas a competition bikini with hip connectors will generally sit lower on the body, almost in a straight line across the hip line which shortens the leg and breaks the physique in two, drawing the eye to the hip instead being able to view the physique as a whole when going thru the Shape quarter turns.
(please note: Shape quarter turns are quite different from other organisation’s "bikini" class which are enhance wearing the competition bikini style during their posing quarter turns as the physique is being viewed differently)
For more information about the updated NABBA Shape class regulations head click on this link
Lastly regardless of which class you are competing make sure you are well informed before you stand on stage of your organisation's regulations and don't assume they are all the same. Different organisations may offer the same classes but they each have different regulations in place from the physique look for each class, type of stage heels, the cut of your bikini/posing, type of tanning product you can use etc. Stage presentation is the final detail of your competition journey and best planned in advance as the wrong detail can mean the difference between first and second!
Till next time...
Sparkle and Shine always
Kirsty x
